*** UPDATE***
The information below was about Fall Camp 2024. We anticipate running Fall Camp 2025 over MEA Break on Thursday, October 16 and Friday, October 17, 2025. You can expect to see details and registration information at the end of summer 2025. In the meantime, the information below is outdated but up for reference.
Duluth Public Schools are out of session October 17 & 18 and we are happy to announce that Chester Bowl will be hosting two days of Fall Camp!
About Camp
During Fall Camp, we do many of the same activities as what we do during summers at Chester Bowl. The difference is the temps and possibility of snow! We will be spending MEA break playing outside, building forts, making campfire snacks, and enjoying what Chester Bowl has to offer. We will be offering programming at two locations, Lower Chester (located at 1417 E. 5th St) and Middle Chester (located at the Thom Storm Chalet), and we have space for 35 campers at each location. Campers can be dropped off starting at 8am and must be picked up by 5pm. Campers must be at least 6 years old (or in kindergarten) and can be in 7th grade and still attend programming. The cost for Fall Camp is $85/camper which covers both days of programming. We do not offer any single day registration options for Fall Camp. There is no scholarship funding available to cover Fall Camp registration this year.
Fall Camp registration is managed using Regpack. Parents, if you already have an account, you can just log in after following the registration link. However, if you have new campers to add you will have to add them to your account. If you are new to Chester Bowl’s camp programming, you can create a new account, add individual campers, register for camp, and pay for camp.
Registration is now open to all campers- just follow this link! [look for link in late summer 2025]
Fall Camp Cadet Program
We will be sending out a Signup Genius signup to this summer’s Cadets so that they can signup to be at Fall Camp. We will have space for 10 cadets at Middle and Lower Chester. If you are the parent of a Cadet please keep an eye out for an email with more info.
Fall Camp is a really fun time and can offer a break from school/being stuck inside. Give your kids a dose of outside fun and get them signed up today! If you have any questions regarding Fall Camp and registration please email sam@chesterbowl.org