Chester Bowl Alpine Race Series

Chester Bowl Alpine Race Series

*** UPDATE SPRING 2025 ***

Information below is from the winter of 2024/2025, and is kept here for reference. Look for updates about winter 2025/2026 in Fall 2025.


The Chester Bowl Alpine Race Series is a low pressure, fun introduction to racing! Races are Sundays starting in February and are open to participants that have completed at least one level 2 ski, snowboard, or snowskate lesson. Every participant will receive an award for completing the race.


You can get registered starting Saturday prior to each race, noon-2, in the equipment garage. We strongly suggest getting signed up on Saturday to avoid missing the window to get registered the morning of the race. Day of registration is 11-12:30. We close registration at 12:30 sharp. If you show up at 12:31, you are too late and will not get to register. During registration, you will complete a waiver, sign up for the appropriate age group, gender, and type of participant (either skier or snowboarder), take a bib, and pay. Age groups range from Under 5 to 14-16. Racers can participate in multiple divisions with no additional cost. 


The race starts at 1:15. We start with the youngest skiers first, moving towards the oldest, then follow the same age progressions for snowboarders, and finally snowskaters. The awards ceremony is at the conclusion of the race, generally between 2:45 and 3:45 depending on the number of racers.

Each racer will do two runs on different courses, weaving in between gates, with their combined time giving them their placement. Races are laser timed!


The cost to join the race series is $10 for an individual racing for one day, $15 for one racer for the season, or $25 for two or more racers for the season.

2025 Race Schedule

Sunday, February 2, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Duluth

Sunday, February 9, sponsored by Pine-Apple Orchard

Sunday, February 16, sponsored by Ski Hut

Sunday, February 23, sponsored by the Duluth Lion’s Club 

Sunday, March 2, sponsored by Park Dental BlueStone


Each race needs 25 volunteers to happen and signups are available here. [Look for link in winter 2025]

Duluth, Minnesota