Winter Scholarship Update

One big reason Chester Bowl exists is so any family can participate in recreation programs in the park regardless of their income or ability to pay. For decades, Chester Bowl has had a scholarship fund that has helped hundreds of families afford to ski, snowboard, and come to summer camp by awarding full or partial scholarships. Up until this point, no family has been turned away, and every scholarship request has been awarded in full.

Over the last few years, scholarship requests have skyrocketed. This is good news in one way, because it means we have been able to help more families who want to participate in Chester Bowl programs. And although fundraising for the scholarship fund has also increased, it has not kept pace with requests.

As one comparison, in 2018 we awarded $8,000 in summer camp scholarships and $18,500 in winter scholarships. Over the last year, we awarded $32,000 in summer camp scholarships and $42,000 in winter scholarships- nearly triple the requests in just a five-year span! In most years fundraising has fallen short of requests by about $6,000, which we have been able to absorb as an organization and still fully award requests. For the last two years, that gap has been about $27,000, and we simply can’t afford to provide unlimited scholarships any more. We are at a point where we have to limit scholarships to ensure we are able to continue providing programs and scholarships into the future.

For the winter of 2023/2024, we have $25,000 in scholarship awards available. This is still a significant amount, but it is very likely that requests will exceed the funding we have available.

Families will need to request scholarships during the registration period between September 12 and 9 am on October 9. The request is part of the regular registration process, and you will have the opportunity to request a full or partial scholarship. We expect that anyone who does not register by the deadline is unlikely to be awarded a scholarship.

If you are a family requesting a scholarship, we want you to ask for what you need – but only what you need. Families may be responsible for paying a portion of their program fees even if they requested a full scholarship. We are optimistic that we can spread out the awards so that most, or even all, of the folks wanting to participate this winter will be able to afford to. You MUST register by 9am on October 9 to be awarded a scholarship for the winter, even if you are just requesting a season pass.

Chester Bowl is prioritizing scholarships for new families and returning families who completed their volunteer hours last winter first, followed by returning families that did not complete their volunteer hours. Families with the lowest income will also likely receive a higher percentage of their request than those with higher income.

Your family will be notified of its scholarship award by Chester staff before noon on Tuesday, October 10. If your family chooses to accept this award amount and move forward with the winter program you will watch the winter slideshow and sign up for fitting times.

For future years, the total scholarship amount available will be based on the prior year’s fundraising, and will be split between summer and winter programming. We raise money for the scholarship fund through Fall Fest gate donations, Skis, Suds, & Slices, Grants (thank you Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation and Rotary Club 25 for your recent awards!) and donations from individuals and businesses. If you want to support the scholarship fund, please give generously at the Fall Fest gate, come out to Skis, Suds, & Slices on November 10 and bid on silent auction items, and/or contact Dave about making your tax-deductible gift directly.

If you have any questions about the scholarship fund, you can reach out to Dave at or 218-940-9378.

Cheers to Chester September 7

Please join us for “Cheers to Chester”, a party thrown by Ski Hut for Chester bowl at Bent Paddle. This event is raising money for Growing Up Chester, Chester Bowl’s fundraising campaign to expand and renovate the Thom Storm Chalet.

The event, held between 6 and 9pm on Thursday, September 7th, features live music from Ross Thorn, beverages available for purchase from Bent Paddle, food available for purchase from the Rambler, activities for kids and free popsicles from the Duluth Area Outdoor Alliance. You can also win a e-bike and more! The fundraising mechanism at this event is purchasing raffle tickets. Ski Hut has donated TONS of prizes including a strider bike, hats, hydroflasks, and the grand prize of an e-bike! The bike is a Yuma Fastrack Cargo E-bike, a $3,999 value! You can see the bike at this link. The more $10 tickets you buy, the greater your chance to win! Plus, buying tickets could give you BOGO cards and other perks at Bent Paddle. According to state law, tickets can be purchased by cash or check only. Can’t make the event? You can buy your tickets in advance from Ski Hut (Bent Paddle perks only available at the event), and you do not need to be present to win.

Ski Hut will lead a group ride from Chester Park to the event at Bent Paddle. You can register for the ride by clicking here, and you will receive more info before the ride.

Last year’s event raised just over $4,000; can we top it this year? Every dollar raised goes to the upcoming Chalet expansion and renovation! Ski Hut has also donated $30,000 to Growing Up Chester- thank you Ski Hut for your generosity!

We have a Facebook event here:

You can find out more about Growing Up Chester and donate directly at

Concert Series Volunteering

The Chester Creek Concert Series consists of ten free Tuesday night concerts at Chester Bowl. The City of Duluth is the lead agency, and Chester Bowl supports the series. 

Each week we need three volunteers to help the event happen. We meet at the stage one hour before show time for training and to get bright vests and radios. The first hour is spent helping direct cars to parking. During the 90 minute show volunteers are available to help as needed, but mostly just get to listen to the music. After the show, we spend up to 30 minutes picking up garbage and otherwise cleaning up the area.

Volunteers must be 18 or older. This is the first volunteer opportunity that could count towards your winter volunteer requirement for winter 2023/2024. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be done with your hours before the season even starts (and completed while wearing shorts)?

You can sign up to volunteer here:

Check out the concert lineup here, and volunteer on the nights your favorite bands are playing!

Chester Creek Concert Series 2023 lineup announced

This summer is the 40th year of the Chester Creek Concert Series, and we have an AMAZING lineup to celebrate this milestone. We hope you join us on Tuesdays this summer for free concerts right here in Chester Park! Bring a lawn chair or blanket and your family and friends (and maybe money for treats at the food truck). We’ll provide a diverse lineup of incredible music, a playground for the kids, and the best family friendly live music venue in town.

Duluth, Minnesota