Gear Returns Postponed

Our Equipment Return nights (originally April 14-16) are postponed due to the safety risks of COVID-19. In addition, our Chalet is officially closed to the public. We do not have new dates selected at this time. The earliest they would be is May. Please hold on to your gear until we can reschedule the returns; we are not able to schedule individual returns at this time.

Thom Storm Chalet closed

Starting Tuesday, March 17th, the Thom Storm Chalet, a City building, is closed to the public. This includes the Chalet public restrooms. Chester staff are still working, so please reach out to us by phone (218-724-9832) and email ( /

Potluck Celebration Cancelled

Our End of Season Potluck Celebration, scheduled for March 22nd, is cancelled. Please note that this is a cancellation, not a postponement. Participants in our race series and Freestyle Friday will still receive awards and recognition; we are formulating our plan for this. We may give out the awards when families come for gear returns in April.

Chester Bowl closes for season March 15th

Our last day of winter operations was Sunday, March 15th. This was our scheduled closing date. Thank you for a fantastic winter! We have greatly enjoyed sharing the hill with all of you. We had over 1,800 season pass holders, about 1,200 of which rented gear through our rental program. We love seeing all the new skiers and snowboarders progress from the bunny hill to the chairlift, hearing about new friendships formed, watching our Cadets learn and grow as teen volunteers, and seeing our community put Peace in the Parks into action. We hope to see everyone back again next winter!

Duluth, Minnesota