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Chester Bowl Extended Season

We are pleased to announce that we plan to stay open through Saturday, March 23! This means there will be one week of bonus skiing and snowboarding if the weather cooperates. Monday, Thursday, & Friday we plan to be open 4:30-8:30 and Saturday, March 23 the hill will be open 11-4:30pm. March 23 will be the last day of the Chester Bowl 2018/2019 season. For more info please email

End of Season Potluck Celebration Sunday, March 24

We hope you will joins us for Chester Bowl’s end of Season Potluck. The event is Sunday, March 24th, 5pm, at the Vineyard Church (1533 Arrowhead Road). This family friendly event allows us share a meal, enjoy each others company one more time before Spring comes, and acknowledges all Chester Bowl participants, including every child who participated in our Ski and Snowboard Race Series and Freestyle Friday. This event is for EVERYONE, even if you didn’t race this year.

Chester Bowl will provide plates, napkins, cups and utensils. Please bring something to share if you are able! RSVP’s are encouraged- click right here to go to the signup.

We do need volunteers to help with setup and cleanup- this could be a perfect fit if you are still looking to complete your volunteer committment! Click right here for volunteer signup.

Holiday Hours

***Click link for better formatting***

Our Holiday hours for the 2018/2019 Christmas break are:

Saturday, December 22, 11am-4:30pm

Sunday, December 23, 11am-4:30pm

Monday, December 24, CLOSED (Christmas Eve)

Tuesday, December 25, CLOSED (Christmas Day)

Wednesday, December 26, 11am-4:30pm

Thursday, December 27, 11am-4:30pm

Friday, December 28, 11am-4:30pm

Saturday, December 29, 11am-4:30pm

Sunday, December 30, 11am-4:30pm

Monday, December 31, 11am-4:30pm (New Year’s Eve)

Tuesday, January 1, 11am-4:30pm (New Year’s Day)

Wednesday, January 2, CLOSED (Back to normal schedule)